Law 4/2000, of November 13, on Modernization and Agrarian Development.

TITLE VI.  On the minimum cultivation units and the minimum family agricultural holding.

Article 79. Definition.

A typical exploitation unit is one whose territorial base is sufficient to provide effective employment to its owner and whose exploitation margin is equal to or greater than the reference income.

Article 80. Municipal areas and districts.

The following minimum cultivation units are established for the different municipal areas of Cantabria:

  • a) First zone: Dry land, 0.60 hectares.

    Municipal terms: The ones in the municipality are: The ones in the municipality of Alfoz de Lloredo, The ones in the municipality of Ampuero, The ones in the municipality of Iguña, The ones in the municipality of Argoños, The ones in the municipality of Arnuero, The ones in the municipality of Arredondo, The ones in the municipality of Bareyo, The ones in the municipality of Cabezón de la Sal, The ones in the municipality of Liebana, The ones in the municipality of Camaleño, The ones in the municipality of Camargo, The ones in the municipality of Castaneda, The ones in the municipality of Colindres, The ones in the municipality of Comillas, The ones in the municipality of Corvera de Toranzo, The ones in the municipality of Escalante, The ones in the municipality of Guriezo, The ones in the municipality of Laredo, The ones in the municipality of Limpias, The ones in the municipality of Mazcuerras, The ones in the municipality of Miengo, The ones in the municipality of Molledo, The ones in the municipality of Noja, The ones in the municipality of Penagos, The ones in the municipality of Peñarrubia, The ones in the municipality of Pesaguero, The ones in the municipality of Polanco, The ones in the municipality of Potes, The ones in the municipality of Viesgo, The ones in the municipality of Rasines, The ones in Reinosa, The ones in Reocín, The ones in the municipality of Ruesga, The ones in the municipality of Ruiloba, The ones in the municipality of San Felices de Buelna, The ones in the municipality of Bezana, The ones in the municipality of Santa Maria de la Sierra, The ones in the municipality of Laredo, The ones in the municipality of Limpias, The ones in the municipality of Mazcuerras, The ones in the municipality of Miengo, The ones in the municipality of Molledo, The ones in the municipality of Noja, The ones in the municipality of Penagos, The ones in the municipality of Pe The villages of San Vicente and Valladolid are all within the municipality of San Vicente.

    b) Second zone: Rainfed, 0.75 hectares. Irrigation, 0.50 hectares.

    Municipal terms:

    c) Third zone: Dry land, 1 hectare. Irrigated land, 0.50 hectares.

    Municipal terms: Campóo de Yuso, Enmedio, Brotherhood of Campóo de Suso, Luena, Rozas (Las), San Pedro del Romeral, Soba, Valdeolea, Valdeprado de Río, Valderredible and Vega de Pas.
