Heat stroke, practical notes on occupational risk prevention.


Intense exposure to solar radiation, especially during the summer, in outdoor activities can increase the possibility of a worker suffering from heat stroke.


Heatstroke. When the body is unable to cool itself through sweating during work activities carried out in very hot environments, such as agriculture, construction, highway work, quarries, road repairs, etc., a wide variety of disorders may occur, such as: syncope, edema, cramps, exhaustion and skin conditions.
The most serious effect of exposure to intense heat is the so-called "heat stroke", which is characterized by an uncontrolled rise in body temperature, which can cause tissue damage. The rise in temperature causes a dysfunction of the central nervous system and a failure in the normal mechanism of thermal regulation, accelerating the increase in body temperature. When heat stroke occurs, the skin becomes hot, dries out and sweating stops; convulsions occur; respiratory and heart rates increase; body temperature can reach over 40º C and alterations in consciousness appear. [Source: http://www.insht.es, Practical Notes 89/2005]
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– Law 31/1995, of November 8, on the Prevention of Occupational Risks. BOE No. 269, of November 10.
– Royal Decree 486/1997, of April 14. BOE No. 97, of April 23, on workplaces.
– Technical Guide for the assessment and prevention of risks related to the use of workplaces. (Royal Decree 486/1997). INSHT.
– UNE-EN ISO 7726:2002. Ergonomics of thermal environments. Instruments for measuring physical quantities.
– UNE UNE-EN ISO 8996:2005. Ergonomics of the thermal environment – Determination of metabolic rate (ISO 8996:2004).
– UNE EN 27243:95. Estimation of heat stress in humans at work based on the WBGT index.
– UNE EN ISO 7730:96. Moderate thermal environments. Determination of PMV and PPD indices and specifications of thermal comfort conditions.
– UNE-EN ISO 7933:2005. Ergonomics of the thermal environment - Analytical determination and interpretation of thermal stress by calculating the estimated thermal overload. (ISO 7933:2004.